Definition of Dust jacket

1. Noun. A paper jacket for a book; a jacket on which promotional information is usually printed.

Exact synonyms: Book Jacket, Dust Cover, Dust Wrapper
Generic synonyms: Jacket

Definition of Dust jacket

1. Noun. The detachable paper cover of a book; used to protect the binding, and to provide blurb ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Dust Jacket

dust ball
dust bin
dust bins
dust bowl
dust bunnies
dust bunny
dust cell
dust cloth
dust cloud
dust coat
dust contamination
dust corpuscles
dust cover
dust devil
dust devils
dust jacket
dust jackets
dust mice
dust mite
dust mop
dust mouse
dust off
dust sheet
dust storm
dust storms
dust up
dust wrapper

Literary usage of Dust jacket

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Selling Used Books Online: The Complete Guide to Bookselling at Amazon's by Stephen Windwalker (2002)
"Desiderata is a want list. dust jacket The paper cover (dj). dust wrapper The same as a dust jacket (dw). double elephant folio Description of the size of a ..."

2. Farm Development: An Introductory Book in Agriculture, Including a by Willet Martin Hays (1910)
"Revolving screen and dust jacket.—For small, portable plants ordinarily used in country road work, a revolving cylindrical screen is used. ..."

3. Dutch Type by Jan Middendorp (2004)
"Theo Kurpershoek, dust jacket • For a 1963 -1965 edition of and ... Kafka titles, Kurpershoek used a handdrawn alphabet of ; Nicolaas Wijnberg, dust jacket ..."

4. The Home-Based Bookstore: Start Your Own Business Selling Used Books on by Steve Weber (2005)
"All pages are intact, but the dust jacket may be missing. Pages may include considerable notes or highlighting, but text must not be obscured. ..."

5. Handbook of Cost Data for Contractors and Engineers: A Reference Book Giving by Halbert Powers Gillette (1910)
"... consisting of three sections, each 4 ft. in length, with ringings from % In. to 2% ins. in diameter and a dust Jacket for separating the materials. ..."

6. Buying Books Online: Finding Bargains and Saving Money With Booksense Stores by Stephen Windwalker (2002)
"Desiderata is a want list. dust jacket The paper cover (dj). dust wrapper The same as a dust jacket (dw). double elephant folio Description of the size of a ..."

7. American Highway Engineers' Handbook by Arthur Horace Blanchard (1919)
"A dust jacket having J^-in circular perforations or composed of a 4-mesh sieve shall surround the first section ; it shall 1« 0 to 9 in shorter than the . ..."

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